
Wheelchair accessible

Wheelchair Accessible Home Renos That Can Make Your Life Easier

  If you or a loved one must use a wheelchair, moving about the house will no longer be the same. That doesn’t mean living in your home has to be difficult, though. Technology and contractors who specialize in home accessibility have made getting quality renovations much more manageable. Here are wheelchair accessible home renos

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How Does In-Trend Resize Kitchen Cabinets for Accessibility?

  When performing accessibility renovations on a kitchen, we always consider the design and size of the storage cabinets to make them useful for everyone. Kitchen cabinets are one of the most important areas in an accessible design project, and at least 50% of all cabinets in a kitchen should be within reach of people

How Does In-Trend Resize Kitchen Cabinets for Accessibility? Read More »

Can Accessibility Modifications Improve Your Property Value?

Disabled or ageing homeowners will often modify most areas of their property to remove the difficulties presented by living in a home that was not built to accommodate them in the first place. But what happens when they want to sell this property? Do the accessibility modifications made improve the value of a property? In

Can Accessibility Modifications Improve Your Property Value? Read More »

Accessibility Kitchen Renovations That Make Your Life Easier

  Good kitchen design provides accessibility in all the right places. When you plan a renovation around accessibility, you make it easier for those with physical or mobility limitations to cook, get ingredients, and move around the kitchen with ease. While the design elements you choose ultimately come down to your individual needs, there are

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